
The gReaTest Hap!nesS YoU cAn HavE Is KNowiNg ThAt YoU D0 N0t NecEsSaRiLy rEqUirE Abs0lUte HaP!nesS:)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The 3mpty w0rds

We have to realize that love...
...is not enough to make a relationship work..
We need to trust, respect, time, effort, and total commitment.
>>If a person doesn't show respect, doesn't earn your trust and can't keep a promise, then no matter how many times they say " I LOVE YOU" these words will be empty...
.....Take time to listen to what they don't say..
.....Take time to look at what they don't show because there's a secrets  hidden beneath their words.
.....So don't let passion but wisdom decide for you..
>>>Love wisely cause it's never easy to love and get hurt.<<<

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